Showstripsilence - Monsters And Humans

The band was formed in the winter of 2003 by two members from the hardcore band Consequence and complete by a nu metal drummer and guitarist. So when I tell you that the band plays rock n roll you also know which other influences can be heard. Yes hardcore and nu metal melting into emo rock. This is an album that wants to score a hit on MTV with a "cool" videoclip and want to score all the alternative girls. And if you don't believe than listen to the love ballad "Think Of You". What a monster...

1. ...But Evil Lives Again...
2. Evilness
3. Nightmare
4. What's Going Wrong_
5. ...The Revenge Of Swampthing!
6. The Cage
7. A Growing Fire
8. A Place In Hell
9. Outside Our Houses
10. Think About You
11. Swallowed
12. You Can't Do It In My Name
13. A Song From The Crypt

Graves Records
Reviewer: twansibon
Feb 26, 2009

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