Sieghetnar - Erhabenheit

Formed in 2005 by soul creator "Thorekraft" this is a dark and deeply soul hurting project. I find the opening to this one track-half hour release reminding me a lot of Pink Floyd if in mourning and under a bleak funeral fog. After some considerable and depressing slow synths we get some hypnotic dirge guitar work smoothly blead in to the ambiance as if cut from the wrists of god. I think that this is certainly not meant for background and should be listened to properly with some incense and maybe cyanide if not for the almost healing property's of this music. The only draw back is some ever so slight timing and level issues on the clean guitars which is my duties to point out but there quickly redeemed by the effect they have. It also has to be said this music has me reliving dark dreams I had forgotten and grieving for everything in a small way. The music itself is very spacey and mostly synthetic down tempo until the later section when things build majestically into a ferocity blasting serenade whilst retaining the bleak and spacey atmosphere.

  1. Erhabenheit

Ashen Productions
Reviewer: Skaven
Dec 27, 2009

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