Stoma - Scat Aficionados
What a surprise when I opened the envelop. So obnoxious that I could show it to my son when he ask to see what was in the envelop. Most probably the image is a set up (or not) and it sure has its effect. And I didn't saw the member pics on the inlay!! Well, if the music is just as sick as the artwork it would promise something. First track is called "In Grind We Trust" and it just covers all. Ultra fast songs with tempo changes, different microphone abusers, rancid guitars and the insane drums. This is some nice piece of grindcore that will raisen your adrealine!
Bizarre Leprous Productions
Reviewer: twansibon
Feb 26, 2009
Feb 26, 2009
Next review:
St. Madness - We Make Evil Fun
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