Suffocate Bastard - Acts Of Contemporary Violence

Suffocate Bastard is a promising brutal death metal band from Germany. They started in 2000 when the vocalist was seeking members to start a band. After their demo "Architects Of Perversity" in 2004 they recorded their debut in 2006. After the release in April 2007 the vocalist left the band and nowadays they have a new one who sang in Dead Members. But their debut is spinning its rounds here. It is just slamming death metal the way I like it. It is fast and has mid parts, a ideal combination. The vocals are guttural and a bit monotonous as he could done more in his range. Guitars are doing start-stop riffs along the dual riffs with short leads. But the baddest ass is the drummer who is beating his skins like Captain Caveman and chnaging his patterns frequently. Good creativity with the fast and faster parts and the double bass breakdowns. That is my piece of action. Also the cover artwork is fine and the only thing you can reject is that it is not sounding innovating. So what? Everything is almost invented these days and when you are listening to Suffocate Bastard you just want to have a brutal time and think about the problems in this fucking world. Killer album.

1. intro
2. clones
3. cold eyes of murder
4. ghost of extermination
5. in decadence the scum was born
6. sadistic souls
7. architects of perversity
8. the rats are gathering in the cradle of hypocrisy
9. solitude
10. welcome to my tomb of immortal pain
11. eternal manipulation
12. winds of stench in a poisoned atmosphere of blessed happiness
13. all humanity lost
14. in the whirls of spiritual violence
15. a cenotaph built of lies

Revenge Productions
Reviewer: twansibon
Feb 26, 2009

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