Suicide Of Disaster - Evisceration Of Pregnant Abdomen

"Evisceration Of Pregnant Abdomen" is the 2014 stand-alone release from the Indonesian brutal death metal band, Suicide Of Disaster. The band are consistent towards the underground genre at hand, demanding with groove-fused riffs, enabling the bleakest of breakdowns. Monstrous, guttural vocals spew out across each track from vocalist Bagol who sounds like a maniacal caveman on a killing spree. Opening track 'Dissecting Virgin Hole' boasts of a death metal assault on the ears after a brief sample introduction from some generic horror-flick.

The band's artwork entices the listeners of the genre searching for their next fill of savage, bloodthirst and extremity within music. There's no doubt these grandma-basement dwelling slam listeners will get their fill with "Evisceration Of Pregnant Abdomen" from the artwork alone, as well as a Cuntopsy cover of 'Show Me Your Cunt'. Also providing song titles that are somewhat cringe worthy, yet uphold a barbaric standard that their fans plead for, Suicide Of Disaster uphold slight merit for remaining truthful to their concept.

The album's failure lies with a handful of aspects; Firstly, it's not dated well at all. The misogynistic horror samples of women being tortured and killed has simply not aged well within the death metal realm. Secondly, brutal slamming death metal has come a long way these last few years in terms of a standard in production, as this album often sounds like it was recorded within the rim of a toilet bowl - perhaps purposely, yet it still sounds like trash. Thirdly, the record unfortunately suffers from a serious case of repetition beyond imagination to the factor where almost every track sounds too familiar and unfortunately leaves little room for any stand-outs. These issues delay any credibility towards Suicide Of Disaster from achieving, but perhaps the long-wait of years for a follow up will better the band's chances of a smash-hit, second record.

2 / 5 STARS

1. Chainsaw Guttural
2. Dissection Virgin Hole
3. Aroma Vagina Membusuk
4. Otopsi Organ Babi
5. Emasculate Prostitute
6. Excision Repulsive Entrails
7. Gestational Trophoblastic
8. Gastrosophageal Reflux
9. Show Me Your Cunt (cover Cuntopsy)
10. Prostatic Hyperplasia
11. Preservation Cerebrum