Sula Bassana And The Nasoni Pop Art Experimental Band - Vol. 1

This experimental band featuring members of Sula Bassana, Weltraumstaunen, Johnson Noise, Blumenwunder and other German psychedelic underground members. And this first co working they release and album with 8 tracks in a spacy atmosphere. Slow meditative songs with guitarpings and echoed whispering vocals. It all sound relaxing although I think this more music for a pot smokers and hippies as they take more psycadelic trips.

1. Slowner
2. The Terrascrew
3. Ridin'
4. Go!
5. The Night After
6. Pay For Freedom
7. Daydreams
8. Emmerting Spring

Nasoni Records
Reviewer: twansibon
Feb 26, 2009

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