The Agonist – Lullabies For Dormant Mind

The Agonist and their second album Lullabies For Dormant Mind…: one of the best extreme, melodic and progressive metal album of the year. The review should end here but it’s better to talk a little bit about this wonderful Canadian band and let’s begin saying that their offer is one of the most innovative performance you can hear today: raw and driving as not many bands around but incredibly technical, with a very beautiful taste for the arrangements and the structures and one of the best female metal vocalist around; it’s simply impossible to not talk about Alissa White Gluz, not only a sensual woman but also an amazing singer with a really wide rage of vocal skills: brutal growls, harsh screaming and a perfect dramatic, melodic, clean style that will leave you without any word. But all the other musicians deserve the same adjective: perfect. Listen to “Thank You, Pain”: classical music and brutal technical black metal combined together as never before. But we will find also the annihilation of the grind core,  the magniloquence of the opera, the power of the thrash and it’s not all: guest violins, orchestrations by two classical pianists and many other Montreal-based contributors. After every listening another surprise to gather: the definitive metal expression of melody, madness and fury.

1. The Tempest (The Siren’s Song The Banshee’s Cry)
2. …And Their Eulogies Sang Me To Sleep
3. Thank You, Pain
4. Birds Elope With The Sun
5. Waiting Out The Winter
6. Martyr Art
7. Globus Hystericus
8. Swan Lake, Op. 20 - Scene, Act 2, #10 – Tchaikovsky (A Cappella)
9. The Sentient
10. When The Bough Breaks
11. Chlorpromazine
Century Media Records
Reviewer: twansibon
Jun 26, 2009

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