The Pete Flesh Deathtrip - Mortui Vivos Docent

Meet mr Pete Flesh fellows. The ones in Sweden, might know him with the name Peter Karlson, but here his formal name is Pete Flesh! So this nice gentleman from Sweden, who has been a member of many bands (Deceiver, Embryo, Thrown, Maze Of Torment etc), is the man behind The Pete Flesh Deathtrip.

Some of you may know them as Flesh, which was the band's actual name from 2004 since 2009. But, the past is past, and here we are to listen to the new album from The Pete Flesh Deathtrip. What they play, is a very good blend of black metal with death metal elements, or what some may call: blackened Death metal. And if someone is familiar with the term but hasn't yet heard a note of it, this CD here is the perfect one to get to know the sound! "Mortui Vivos Docent" is the title, which I believe means 'the dead teach the living' or something like that. What is truly amazing with this album is the fact that despite its undisputed aggressiveness, it kind of brings forth many emotions to the one that listens! Negative emotions for sure, and a great amount of coldness! Actually this is the first thing that strikes you once you get familiar with the sound. The great cold that this album reeks! And of course this is the black metal element! But in this album, I think the expression, music that thinks for itself, finds fertile ground to breed!

Nine songs that surround a plot unknown, but if we judge from the song titles, they certainly have to do a lot with death. And that seems to be the whole albums main motivation! To produce a deadly dark, and cold aura, that will haunt you from the beginning, to its end! Almost all aspects of the black metal genre can be found in here, carefully placed each time, in order to work in favor of each emotions he wants to trigger every time! Sometimes, choosing to go with rage and others to just filter everything through cold waves, of slow and atmospheric black metal chords, and wicked shrieky vocals! The songs proceed, but if you let yourselves to fall for this one, you might not even notice how they proceed or when they start or end! They are so carefully placed and composed, that an unavoidable solidity takes over, and gives the impression of one! An amalgam of emotions is this one ladies and gentlemen! All starting from rage, and spreading through coldness and fear, to your soul, taking out the worst of you every time!

  1. Fallen Bliss
  2. The Eternal Dawn
  3. Crave The Fire
  4. The Suicide End
  5. Burning Darkness
  6. Raven's Reborn
  7. God Of The Crawling Whore
  8. Bleed
  9. Recycle My Death

Reviewer: twansibon
Sep 15, 2013

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