Thirteen Bled Promises - The Black Legend

The long awaited sophomore album by Thirteen Bled Promises titled 'The Black Legend' has finally arrived and it's plenty full of carnage. Having been a fan of the bands earlier deathcore work, 'The Black Legend' only evolves the genre into a tech-death modern masterpiece. Whereas a lot of technical core bands often appear as reptitive, the ten tracks presented on this release are refreshing and sound about as malicious as death metal could possibly be.

A brief introduction ignites the record's disfigured bodily structure - especially as the pummeling opening riffs of 'Species Landfill' pour out, embracing a darkened theme, as if this was the devil himself's official ringtone. Twisting with chaotic riffs and blastbeats throughout as each track becomes darker the more listened to. 'Year 666' brutally revives the vocalist's high screams which were heavily influenced on their early material. Whilst keeping the guttural lows to a maximum, enforcing their new death metal outfit rather than their core past.

Lyrically the band are probably still encouraging their "aliens wiping out the human race" writing style. Something that has grown to become more and more popular with bands bursting out of the scene such as Rings Of Saturn and Aversions Crown. I would hope this unique and fun side of the band continues, as it's still the band's initial roots that helped blossom what Thirteen Bled Promises soon became, but with title tracks such as 'Cosmic Depletion' and 'Death Of An Alien' - I am almost certain this lyrical content is still valid.

'A Fully Stabbed Face' is a track favorite of mine, which is fueled with menacing breakdowns, probably more so than any other track on the record. Ending song 'The Day After Roswell' effectively sums up the band's entire catalogue with such a mixture that it's almost impossible to label the band with one genre. Almost everything on this track reminds me of the band Beneath The Massacre, which I assume is one of the band's major influence.

These Spanish metal mobsters really know how to pack a punch as 'The Black Legend' surpasses their deathcore past. It's easy to see that the death metal route of this album has only increased the band's valuable variation, and their increasing reputation. The entire record is as bleak, mysterious, and damn right evil as it's album cover clearly suggests with the artwork of what appears to be a summoning of an ancient, evil demon. Polished off with superb modern production, this album is monstrous and demands to be heard. No doubt one of 2015's rare gems that probably didn't receive as much recognition as it truly deserves, but it's not too late to check it out.

  1. The Irrevocable Judgement Of The Inner World
  2. Species Landfill
  3. Sons Of The Northward Clash
  4. Year 666 (The First Arrival)
  5. A Fully Stabbed Face
  6. Beeldenstorm
  7. Cosmic Depletion
  8. Biblephagy Slender Phytobezoars
  9. Death Of An Alien
  10. The Day After Roswell