Thorondir - Dusterwald

Pagan Folk/Viking Metal from Germany. Thorondir is a 6 piece which has been together since 2007 and it's members consist of: Florian Striegl (bass) ; Alexander Gohl (drums); Kevin Wienerl (vocals); Fabian Wienerl (keyboard); Michael Ney (lead-guitar); Dominik Hautmann (rhythm-guitar) and "Dusterwald" is their full length debut album.

This is a new band so not much background for me to lend here so will jump into what this album is all about.

To start if you love Folk Metal you should then appreciate where this album is going.

Although this band is no match yet for others in this genre of metal I find that they still hold their ground and come out standing strong for a new outfit.

Good production and I like the uptempo drums, keyboards which set the mood, cute flute and powerful deep dark tone of the vocals. The album's concept is great and there are some really noticable riffs which stand out creating just the right atmosphere. All that is needed for that good old Viking sound can be found here.

On a downside I found this album to be very predictable and the tracks alittle short, I don't mind and usually perfer shorter tracks but for this style of music longer would have been better. I feel that if there had been alittle more time put into this album (holding back alittle with it's release), stretching out the songs alittle more and playing around with some different sound concepts and compositions that it could have been a musical work of art.

Taking all into consideration and the newness of this band I give this a rating of 3/5 and am looking forward to hearing future albums and how Thorondir's music grows.

1. Naves Draconum
2. Gods from the past
3. Schwarze Schwingen
4. Mit erhobenem Horn
5. Skaldenmet
6. Nordwindes Zorn
7. Cursed by the Gods
8. Düsterwald
9. Die Runensage
CCP Records
Reviewer: twansibon
Jun 26, 2009

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