Thorwald / Pulmonary Fibrosis - Split

On this split CD Thorwald vomits 13 tracks and Pulmonary Fibrosis take the other 19. Thorwald runs off with an intro and than plays a mixture of songs with grind and death influences. Fast tracks, gurgling vocals and crashing guitars. Nice tracks including the 3 covers.
After an intro Pulmonary Fibrosis really blast out of the speakers. What a thick massacre. Insane vocals, thunderous drums and slicing guitars. Short songs that releases a lot of energy. They also do 2 cover tracks.

1. Input / Under the scalpel
2. Autopsy to teenage genitals
3. Aphoresis intelligence dull article
4. Colpectomy of the psychopath
5. Devoured alive (Mortician cover)
6. Abscess of the female abdominal cavity
7. Infernal hippie menses
8. Medical dissector
9. Genital grinder (Carcass cover)
10. Regurgutation of giblets (Carcass cover)
11. Peter bondra
12. Anomalous fundament of the patient
13. Output / quarantine and...?

14. Intro
15. The pus on pectoral rigid sector drag you in clots blastomy finished
16. Thought the inflammed exudation
17. Compress of pulmonary parenchyma
18. Deformation & calification of valve
19. Facial mastication cadaveric sub tumours
20. Disordered feaces junction
21. Neuroblastoma injected by viral oestogena
22. Facial formaldehyde anal furuncies
23. Hacked the human flesh
24. Intro
25. Deranged hypoctemy wristles viral
26. Effects on pathopsychologic haemophille
27. Acidical dissolution of sexual organ
28. Pancreatical pseudocysts
29. Organ maggots
30. Engorging flemonose disrupt
31. Fuck off nazi bastard (Malignant Tumour cover)
32. Vomit breath (Regurgitate cover)
Bizarre Leprous Productions
Reviewer: twansibon
Feb 26, 2009

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