Unmaker - Rape Reality

Hailing from Brazil, Unmaker have emerged to give metal a much needed make over.  Severe brutaltiy, matched with pure focus and attitued.  Meshing elements of Thrash, Death, and Black Metal, Unmaker have made there identity known!  Music that I grew up with taken to the 10th extreme!  Rape Reality is full of that classic, beyond heavy-chunking guitar sound, ranging vocal styles from guttural death to Rob Halford type screaming.  Fist-fucking-banging-mania chant along parts.  Technical, rythimic, Gene Hoglan type drumming!  Hammer-on dive bomb, super lead guitar wizardry.  This release is great in every sense of the metal underworld!  Get these guys out of Brazil and allow them to infect the rest of the world!  So until then...Get UP!Join The Carnage! Destroy/Create! Fuckworld! Rape Reality! and Wake Up!  For Fans of Testament, Destruction, Bloodbath, and Susperia!!!  Manditory in your collection!!!

1. Join The Carnage
2. Destroy/Create
3. Fuckworld
4. Rape Reality
5. Wake Up

Self released
Reviewer: Rick
Feb 26, 2009

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