Vampire Mooose - Vampire Mooose

From St. Louis, USA, comes this death metal quartet but they play their metal not in a specific frame. Their sound is a rich blend of other styles like jazzy rhythms, industrial touches, hardcore or a piece of rap. In the beginning it was weird but now I have played it more it just becomes better. Fresh but thick and heavy sound. Blasting drums, vocals effects and scrambling guitars. I just suggest to listen to the album and convince yourself.

1. Spiderman vs. venom
2. Waltz del monstruo
3. Dose mozaros
4. Adamantium elbow
5. Del fontineau
6. Stoneheed
7. Stew
8. Eye on the knorm
9. Big house
10. S mart
11. Colonize
12. Khali Ma

Rotten Records
Reviewer: twansibon
Feb 26, 2009

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