Vastum - Orificial Purge
Oakland's Vastum is BACK! YEOWWWW!!!! Their 4th LP, "Orificial Purge", is every bit as flawless as you'd expect. I mean, if you look at the never ending list of bands that these dudes play/have played in, you can only assume greatness. And that's what Vastum just delivered. Again.
"Orificial Purge" begins big, stays big and ends big. Never letting up. The song writing has become more elaborate. The recording is a little bit more polished than the previous offerings, but DOES NOT TAKE AWAY from the sheer brutality and raw approach of what we've been accustomed to.
This ripper opens with 'Dispossessed In Rapture (First Wound)'. Straight out the fucking gate, it's a fist pumpin' head bangin' charge. Rifftastic! Thrashing DM. Pounding drums. Demonic vocals........Quickly reassuring the listener that Vastum remains the force they have been since their inception in 2009.
One of my favorite riffs come up, at 1:22. in the next track, 'I On The Knife (Second Wound)'. I've also got to add, Vastum even makes the knuckle dragging/ caveman riff, that's somewhat of a staple in recent years, more interesting by throwing a sick solo atop when it appears in this tune. And it's followed by the aforementioned fave riff. SHREDDER!
Before it's release, I saw online where someone said 'Orificial Purge' is the best song Vastum has ever written. After jamming this LP quite a few times, I agree 100%. F**K! Starting with the sickest chord progression. You can't help but bang along. Proving this album has ZERO filler, Dark, pounding, relentless death metal.
'His Sapphic Longing' is the ender to this stand out offering. It has the feel of a close out track. Showcasing more of their songwriting capability. Just under seven minutes of pummeling, mid paced, chunky riffs and outstanding vocal work. This tune is an attack on every sense. A welcomed attack.The only problem I have with the song, as well as the LP in whole, is - it ends.
This album has everything you'd want in a death doom release. But, it has one thing that makes it stand out - with Vastum touch.
Stand out tracks:
'Dispossessed In Rapture (First Wound)'
'Orificial Purge'
'His Sapphic Longing'
"Orificial Purge" begins big, stays big and ends big. Never letting up. The song writing has become more elaborate. The recording is a little bit more polished than the previous offerings, but DOES NOT TAKE AWAY from the sheer brutality and raw approach of what we've been accustomed to.
This ripper opens with 'Dispossessed In Rapture (First Wound)'. Straight out the fucking gate, it's a fist pumpin' head bangin' charge. Rifftastic! Thrashing DM. Pounding drums. Demonic vocals........Quickly reassuring the listener that Vastum remains the force they have been since their inception in 2009.
One of my favorite riffs come up, at 1:22. in the next track, 'I On The Knife (Second Wound)'. I've also got to add, Vastum even makes the knuckle dragging/ caveman riff, that's somewhat of a staple in recent years, more interesting by throwing a sick solo atop when it appears in this tune. And it's followed by the aforementioned fave riff. SHREDDER!
Before it's release, I saw online where someone said 'Orificial Purge' is the best song Vastum has ever written. After jamming this LP quite a few times, I agree 100%. F**K! Starting with the sickest chord progression. You can't help but bang along. Proving this album has ZERO filler, Dark, pounding, relentless death metal.
'His Sapphic Longing' is the ender to this stand out offering. It has the feel of a close out track. Showcasing more of their songwriting capability. Just under seven minutes of pummeling, mid paced, chunky riffs and outstanding vocal work. This tune is an attack on every sense. A welcomed attack.The only problem I have with the song, as well as the LP in whole, is - it ends.
This album has everything you'd want in a death doom release. But, it has one thing that makes it stand out - with Vastum touch.
Stand out tracks:
'Dispossessed In Rapture (First Wound)'
'Orificial Purge'
'His Sapphic Longing'