Von Boom - Punkrockterrorists

Sweden's Von Boom are old school, ever since the late 1980s. After several line up changes and a torrential break up, the band got back together later in 1995 and continued with their crust punk legacy and style. They've been very successful in making their appearance on numerous compiliation albums and splits with bands like Motorbreath, but haven't really had a full length album until now. Punkrockterrorists is full of gritty flavor and catchy guitar styles with the aggression of Rancid and current Darkthrone. The tracks a short, but each one is heavily punk influenced with even tinges of black metal.

The vocals are usually a hit or miss. On tracks like "Forintelsen" and "Fiende Eller Van" they sound shrill, forced, and just downright poor. As the album progresses along, they get better and better, sounding harsher and more black metal influenced, such as "Inget Liv." Mostly, it is the music that makes Von Boom so enticing. It still hearlds back to the early 80s days of punk but has more modern flavor to it. There's the simple riffs of "Molnig Dag," thick with distortion and chaos. Then there's "Proud To Be" which adds more melody and groove in the vein of Darkthrone while also adding  backing vocals. "Och Det Kallar Ni För Vård" is one of the more modern sounding track due to cleaner production and an even tempo that still shreds like punk. "At Helvete" is, musically, the catchiest track, but for some reason the vocals just sound downright laughable when it comes to the lyrics and how they are conveyed. Finally, "Von Boom,"  a tribute to all rockers, fuses the best elements of punk and offers a ripping track with plenty of power and aggression as well as groove and melody.

It may take some getting used to, but the sheer genius of creating old school punk after so long is still with Von Boom today. While it is a shame the tracks are not longer- even between sixteen tracks the album is less than forty five minutes- that is part of the crust punk style. The only issue is that many of the tracks sound the same; it's all simple music played with intensity. However, being one of the originators for black metal, one has to be thankful for punk metal. And one should also be thankful that after all these years, Von Boom don't put it to shame. Hopefully their stability and dedication to music will stay strong.

  1. Förintelsen
  2. Produkt
  3. Molnig Dag
  4. Fiende Eller Vag
  5. Ar Det Ok Nu Da
  6. Tjugohundratolv
  7. Mitt Sk Liv
  8. Proud To Be
  9. Varför Vill Ni Vi Ska Dö
  10. Rainbow Warrior
  11. Who Are The Evil
  12. Inget Liv
  13. Och Det Kallar Ni För Vård
  14. Apan
  15. At Helvete
  16. Von Boom

FDA Rekotz
Reviewer: Colin McNamara
Sep 11, 2010

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