Warfist – Grünberger
The almighty and ever reliable Warfist are back with a new full length album following last year’s split EP with Excidium. I was first enchanted by Warfist with their 2016 album "Metal To The Bone" I loved their raw Sodom style thrash mixed in with the fun Motorhead beer soaked atmosphere. They ticked all the boxes for an extreme fan.
"Grünberger" sees the band slightly matured, a little less frantic but still firing from all cylinders. The clean acoustic opening of 'Black Army' certainly raises eyebrows but fear not, the two piece are as furious as ever. Though the songs feel a little more thought out and concise. It’s for the better too. 'The Chapel Of Darkness' shows the band making good use of atmosphere as the song conjures up and old school horror vibe. The band also have retained their catchiness with tracks like 'The Punishment' and 'Slay, Swive And Devour'. The albums only downfall is actually the title track which tends to drag for some reason, but once it gets going its ok. "March Of Death" begins with a nice slow doom laden introduction but turns into a galloping headbanger and has a cool breakdown in the middle. The thrashtastic closer 'Atrocious Saviour' finishes things nicely with a cool early Venom snarl.
All in all everything you want is here. I like this band more with every release. It’s dark and dirty when it needs to be, the riffs are aplenty, and the solos are awesome. The choruses are catchy and memorable. The band are building up quite a collection and "Grünberger" is a fine addition.
"Grünberger" sees the band slightly matured, a little less frantic but still firing from all cylinders. The clean acoustic opening of 'Black Army' certainly raises eyebrows but fear not, the two piece are as furious as ever. Though the songs feel a little more thought out and concise. It’s for the better too. 'The Chapel Of Darkness' shows the band making good use of atmosphere as the song conjures up and old school horror vibe. The band also have retained their catchiness with tracks like 'The Punishment' and 'Slay, Swive And Devour'. The albums only downfall is actually the title track which tends to drag for some reason, but once it gets going its ok. "March Of Death" begins with a nice slow doom laden introduction but turns into a galloping headbanger and has a cool breakdown in the middle. The thrashtastic closer 'Atrocious Saviour' finishes things nicely with a cool early Venom snarl.
All in all everything you want is here. I like this band more with every release. It’s dark and dirty when it needs to be, the riffs are aplenty, and the solos are awesome. The choruses are catchy and memorable. The band are building up quite a collection and "Grünberger" is a fine addition.