Wombstomp - Passion To Abort
Offensive groovy gore/grind? Titles like 'Fuck All Feminists In The Ass' and 'Nicole Clitman'? Cartoonish cover artwork showing a fat guy performing an abortion with a mallet and one pretty surprised fetus? This must be good. And guess what - it really is.
Wombstomp come from Aurich, Germany and "Passion To Abort" is their debut full-length album. It contains fourteen enjoyable gore/grind tunes, one of them being a cover of Hymen Holocaust's 'Rape,Sex,Death'. The whole record is more than forty minutes which is unusually long for the genre but Wombstomp succeed in keeping it interesting. Cliteater are a name that comes to mind while listening to "Passion To Abort" but Wombstomp don't use that much blastbeats. The music varies from slow to mid-tempo and it is quite danceable I would say. Gurgling vocals, heavy guitar riffs and an awful sounding snare drum is what you will get from this album. This is music that sounds best when performed live in front of partying gore/grind maniacs. If you are into sick bands like Urtikaria Anal, Hymen Holocaust or the hundreds other gore/grind groups out there then give an ear to Wombstomp. They offer nothing new but at least the fun times are guaranteed.
Wombstomp come from Aurich, Germany and "Passion To Abort" is their debut full-length album. It contains fourteen enjoyable gore/grind tunes, one of them being a cover of Hymen Holocaust's 'Rape,Sex,Death'. The whole record is more than forty minutes which is unusually long for the genre but Wombstomp succeed in keeping it interesting. Cliteater are a name that comes to mind while listening to "Passion To Abort" but Wombstomp don't use that much blastbeats. The music varies from slow to mid-tempo and it is quite danceable I would say. Gurgling vocals, heavy guitar riffs and an awful sounding snare drum is what you will get from this album. This is music that sounds best when performed live in front of partying gore/grind maniacs. If you are into sick bands like Urtikaria Anal, Hymen Holocaust or the hundreds other gore/grind groups out there then give an ear to Wombstomp. They offer nothing new but at least the fun times are guaranteed.