Stench Of Dismemberment - Cannibalistic Urge
Started in October 2003 after the band Penis Leech (what a great name!!) splitted up after 3 demos. The new band is called Stench Of Dismemberment and the style they are gonna play is sick and brutal death metal. Think of bands like Devourment and Disgorge and you will get the impression. In 2005 their debut MCD was released and you hear 5 tunes. I...
Xandria - Kill The Sun
From Germany comes this band with a clear female singer. The songs are peaceful, a bit too peaceful because I fell asleep during the third song so cannot tell how the others songs sounded. Maybe I try to listen to it a next time.
Arkhan - Dead End
Arkhan is a band from Switzerland that plays extreme metal. Not just plain death or grind but various styles in the mix. Death metal can be found as the majority but it can suddenly change to black metal or atmospheric elements or melodic keyboards. After listening I came to the conclusion I liked it for the reason it has a lot of variety. Brutal v...
Beyond Black Void - Desolate
1 Man project that goes well beyond dark, suicidal, gloomy, doom. Slow doesnt even begin to describe how doomy Desolate is. 3 Songs, almost 70 minutes of depresive nihilistic experimental metal. Heavy, Heavy, Heavy, overly destorted instruments. Deep terrifying vocal style. If you are going to burn in hell, this is the sound track to your eternal t...
Caliga - Circle Of Darkness
From Pittsburgh, Pennsylavnia comes Caliga. These 4 guys (they are searching for a drummer these days) recorded their first EP called "Circle Of Darkness". Seven tracks of thrashy and melodic death metal. Vocals are raw soars but he also does emotional singing in "Questions Arise". Tempo of the tunes is up tempo with breaks to faster parts with the...
Darkthrone - F.O.A.D.
The acronym NWOBHM stands for two distinct yet oddly similar ideas. It stands for New Wave of British Heavy Metal and it stands for New Wave of Black heavy Metal. Obviously there might be some cross-over here but the black metal scene is represented in this by Darkthrone of Norway. Darkthrone released an EP called New Wave of Black Heavy Metal and...
Forsaken - Anima Mundi
I know other bands from Malta but this is the first doom band I hear coming from that island. Long duration of the songs with tension, different melodies and atmospheres. Clean vocals, dwelling keyboards and multistyled guitars. The songs are well build with a lot of attention for quality. An enjoyable album that is easy listening and a good one if...
HssH - HssH
HssH is a black electronic industrial metal project from France. Don't expect some Black Metal but more industrial electro music with weird vocals. This is no easy listening but something you have to use to. The duration of the songs are long so a lot of touches of different moods. Some good parts (end of track 1) and some bad parts. Also grea...
Inside - I Can't Scream
6 Metalfans from Italy have started a band in 2000 and now releasing their 3 piece CD. The style they play is based on heavy metal but with side steps to thrash, death and progressive. The two different vocalstyles (male and female) is creating a special atmosphere. The songs are melodic but yet aggressive. Various tempobreaks and acceleration. Plu...
Moulded Flesh - Use And Abuse
Latest effort from polish Moulded Flesh. After done some other demos and being on various compilations, they now deliver their full length with 9 tracks in almost 20 minutes. The metal of Mulded Flesh is a mixture of thrash and death metal. The songs are short and in fast up tempo. But the songs are a kind of swinging, having a groove. Deep vocals,...
Nitrous - Dominant Force
Racing is loaded with inbreed, ignorant rednecks. Bullshit! You think that-you deserve to get the living shit beat out of you! Nitrous was formed by champion drag racer Lauri Kuriks in 2004. This isn't the gay metal started by 'pro-wrestlers', this is truly, hands down, pedal-to the metal-because of metal, sheer, brute, 'Dominant Force'. Take all t...
Sadus - Out For Blood
After 7 years of silence Sadus is back and now releasing their new album on Mascot Records from Holland. Ever noticed that all the albums are released by Dutch labels?. Well, Sadus is known as the band of Steve DiGiorgio on bass but Sadus is more. Sadus stands for effective and technical thrash metal. Songs that are hammering fast or in midtempo bu...
The Chosen - Wolfcross
Active from 2000 in the Dutch UG scene. The Chosen plays a mixture of black/death and thrash. Short songs in fast tempo. This MCD starts with an intro that gives you a wrong impression with the violin, flute fairytale melody. Because the first song goes straight ahead with some good guitarlead in the beginning. The vocals are blackened, thrashing d...
Torsofuck / Lymphatic Phlegm - Split
Two gore grind bands of which Lymphatic Phlegm is the most wellknown. Torsofuck (sick cover) is from Finland and plays 4 songs in furious tempo (great drumming) and with insane bucket pig vocals. The (cool) lyrics are printed but I doubt if he is trying to sing them instead of aural vomits. Really liked the end of the third song, fucking cool. Lymp...
Veuliah – Deep Visions Of Unreality
Veuliah is a band of Brazil, making a great Melodic Death Metal! Has just thrown your premiere album Deep Visions Of Unreality, that is really very good, sharp guitars, with a lot of cadence and brutality in the right dose. The band created a gloomy and aggressive climate very good. For who doesn't still know Veuliah doesn't know what is losing! Th...