Reviews written by: Dave Ingram Jr.
Kemakil - The Shard
I really enjoyed Kemakil's self-titled debut album when it came out last year. Having shared the stage with them a frankly ridiculous number of times over the past few years (and just over the past weekend at Thrashersaurus III festival, for that matter) I've obviously witnessed their live potential firsthand, and I'm always thinking to myself "You...
Quake - Subsisto Novus Ordo Seclorum
Another unsigned UK thrash band I've had the pleasure to share the stage with a few times, Wakefield's Quake have been going for a couple of years now and their live shows are a sight to behold. They're nothing out of the ordinary, but bloody hell they don't half go for it! So after rubbing shoulders for a few years, the time came for the lads to p...
Chainsaw Penis - Chainsaw Penis III: The Dark Side Of The Room
Chainsaw Penis are a bunch of daft buggers from the UK who play something resembling a cross between Anal Cunt and that local band full of 14 year olds who wouldn't know what good metal sounded like if it shagged their leg. They're very self-deprecating and generally fucking silly - or at least silly enough to have yours truly guest on their previo...
Onslaught - The Force: 25th Anniversary Edition
Yeah yeah, I know what you're thinking; "Oh look, Onslaught have re-released and remastered The Force to celebrate it's 25th anniversary and now we're going to get seven paragraphs of Dingram sucking up to it like he's trying to shag it after the movie is finished. How utterly predictable... and he's given it a full score, as usual. What a colossal...
Sagros - Anger Blinds The Mind
I'm starting to think that I should jump ship when it comes to thrash right now; despite getting sent some incredible pieces of work last year, I'm suddenly finding myself buried beneath a sea of crappy records in the first months of 2014. First I got Sarcasm's latest album, which was a stale reminder of everything I hate about the retro thrash sou...
Nervosa - Victim Of Yourself
Hang on a second, an all FEMALE thrash metal band? From Brazil? Fuck it, why not. Despite this cheeky quip, I've always felt kind of sorry for the female species within the heavy metal community as many seem to focus entirely on the fact that there's a distinct lack of penis to be found. For some insane reason, this is met with confused response. W...
Cancerous Womb - Born of A Cancerous Womb
I'm pretty bloody sick of brutal death metal at this point. Over the past ten years it seems to have become the norm to do the exact same thing that every other band and their sex slave is doing; tune low, chug, pinch, squeal, add some stupid sweeps in there, and have ridiculous lyrics and I'm just sick to death (no pun intended) with the whole thi...
Baalberith/Hex Morbidity/Forneus - In Satan's Honour
I have a confession to make... I never really got along with black metal. Now now, no need for tears, I know this is hard for some of you to wrap your heads around! But the truth is, anything that my fellow men played to me that they called "true" black metal ( or should that be TRVE?) was a painful experience for me; the blackened thrash stuff I q...
Visceral Attack - 7" EP
All seven people who read my review for Visceral Attack's previous release, "Quick & Severe", will probably have hazy memories of giddy excitement and slight homosexuality on my part. Even four years after it's release, I still rank it as one of the best crossover thrash/hardcore punk albums to ever come out of the United Kingdom (well, Ireland...
Sarcasm - Thrash
So after getting a few shipments full of frankly outstanding thrash metal releases over the past 13 months (as well as a few semi-decent ones), I should have known that something of lesser quality would make it's way to me eventually. Slovenia's Sarcasm are no newcomers to thrash metal, having released their first album Crematory in 1989 - which I...
Purgatory (UK) - Demo(n) Days
Another sad story of a band who just barely missed out on a chance of bigger and better things, Purgatory were one of the UK's many bright thrash metal newcomers back in the eighties who just happened to get shouldered out by competing acts. Rubbing shoulders with the British hardcore punk and Crust scene, these lads shared the stage a great many t...
Shrapnel - The Virus Conspires
I've said it before, and I'll say it again - thrash metal can be a bore sometimes. For every great band you come across, there's a boatload of crap ones who have no subtle understanding of how to pull off the whole retro vibe without coming across as a malignent self-parody which naturally leads to a large degree of stagnation within trash metal's...