Reviews written by: Dave Ingram Jr.
Warlord UK - We Die As One
I've been a fan of Warlord UK's first album Maximum Carnage for what feels like eons. It's a riproaring mix of death metal and thrash that still has a razor edge to it 17 years after it's release - and although I somehow missed out on 2009's Evil Within, Warlord UK are still amongst my favourite metal bands in... well, the UK. I've had the great pl...
Visceral Attack - Quick And Severe
It's quite a shame to think that the only thrash metal band from Ireland that anybody pays attention to is Gama Bomb. Not to say Gama Bomb aren't a superb act (they really are) but Ireland has a few other extraordinarily talented bands tucked away beneath all the steroetypes of leprechauns and alcoholism, with Visceral Attack pretty much being the...
Megadeth - Super Collider
I promised myself that I wouldn't review this album. I swore that I would never even think about it again, but I can't stay quiet for much longer... I need to vent. As a teenager I was probably the biggest Megadeth fanboy you could come across, and I enjoy pretty much every album the band did up to Endgame. When Th1rt3en was released a few years...
Annihilator - Feast [Deluxe Edition]
Annihilator's self-titled 2010 release was a slight disappointment for me. It wasn't bad by any means - I think that the only Annihilator record I can legitimately say I dislike in it's entirety is 2004's All For You - but it seemed to kind of trail off about halfway through, so the second half of the record just simply didn't feel as good as the f...
Onslaught - VI
...Don't look at me like that, you knew full well that this was coming! Some of you may remember my review for Onslaught's previous release Sounds of Violence, in which I hailed it as being one of the greatest heavy metal albums ever made and expressed doubt over how anything could possibly top it. Both of those still stand - I still see Sounds...
State Of Negation - Project Payback
Let's cut the crap and just lay it out on the table from the get-go here; Haarlem's State Of Negation are a pretty straightforward act, offering a rather typical modern hybrid of post-thrash groove metal and metalcore. I can already see you wincing after reading that, but even the most tried and tested of musical shenanigans can be good if they're...
Carcass - Surgical Steel
The kings of putrefaction have returned! Rumours of a new Carcass album have been doing the rounds like a drunken Yorkshire lass since the announcement of their reunion in 2008, and despite numerous cold showers from the band they've managed to persist... and it's nice to see it all pay off, really. Their last album Swansong - released in 1996, to...
Rezinwolf - Corruption Kingdom
So Rezinwolf are another thrash metal band from the United Kingdom (more specifically from Harwich, of a bloody places) who have been garnering a lot of attention from the media recently. Metal Hammer seems to give them a stamp of approval and they're even playing Bloodstock Open Air festival this year so they've certainly been a busy bunch of lads...
Desolator - Total Attack
Desolator's self-titled 2011 demo left me surprisingly satisfied after my first listen. I harp on and on about how stale thrash metal sounds nowadays due to every band repeating the same four approaches to the genre ad nauseum, but I do have a distinct love for bog-standard no-thrills thrash metal when it's done the right way so despite Desolator's...
Exocosm - Spiral Of Decay
Finland's Exocosm are a band that unquestionably and deliberately fall into the progressive tech-thrash crowd, proudly wearing their influences on their sleeve like the badges of honour that they are. Technical thrash metal has been somewhat nonexistant during the thrash metal resurgence of the past fifteen years with the only new bands of note bei...
Black Sabbath - 13
Black Sabbath. Just... <i>Black <b>fucking</b> Sabbath</i>. You mention that name in this scene and everyone drops to their knees in worship. I don't need to put an extensive history lesson here, doing so would be insulting to my readers... unless you really, genuinely have no clue who Black Sabbath are. In which case, stop reading and go back to y...
Deceptor - Chains Of Delusion
Britain's Deceptor have been knocking around the UK metal scene for quite a while now, putting out two demos (2006's Start the Assault and 2007's Bound to the Oath) during the big surge of UK thrash metal yet somehow falling under my radar for a long, long time. They seemed to keep a rather low profile for a while until they made a blistering comeb...