Reviews written by: Death8699
Destruction - Born To Perish
Well, there really hasn't been much progression (musically) with Destruction for a long while, Hence the "C" rating on this album. Ever since Schmier re-joined the band, they had a couple of good releases namely "All Hell Breaks Loose", "The Antichrist" and the compilation "Thrash Anthems". Other than that, there really are no innovative riffs like...
November's Doom - Nephilim Grove
"Nephilim Grove" varies from previous releases, it's not as heavy. But when IT IS heavy, it's thick and chunky guitar-work. The tempos are for sure slow, but that goes with pretty much every doom metal based band! For example, Draconian is a prime source for doom metal also and their tempos are pretty slow. The vocals on here are more clean than (i...
Inculter - Fatal Visions
"Fatal Visions" is a dark album, the production makes the atmosphere that way as does the music. I like the riffs for all the songs, and the vocals have a tint of reverb to them. It makes the music seem to be more satisfactory. Musically, I'd have to say for a unique genre of metal, Inculter do a good job at identifying brutality within a thrash me...
Lady Beast - The Vulture's Amulet
This wasn't well received by me at the first few listens to except for till I switched to a digitally downloaded copy I put on my Spotify. "The Vulture's Amulet" by Lady Beast is about 40 minutes in length and every song (I think) is good! The music and the vocals were the highlights, absolutely. It's a really enjoyable heavy metal album. Their voc...
Testament - Titans Of Creation
This one is solid, but it's re-visiting (again) the 21st Century Testament. It's to me better than "Brotherhood Of The Snake", but only in some respects. The riffs are fresh and probably most of the music was written by Eric Peterson. The leads by Alex Skolnick were good, just nothing like is "just starting out" days. I think he was better on earli...
Cianide - Unhumanized
This is a pretty brutal EP, not to say that all of their LP's aren't because they are, just this one due to the production as well as access to the equipment that's desirable for the recording, this one is one monumental piece. The riffs are heavy and thick, the tempos slow (for the most part). And the vocals are hoarse. But anyway, getting to the...
Mayhem - Daemon
This is the first Mayhem release that I've truly liked other than "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas". Only a select few from this band that I enjoy, their latest "Daemon" is a gem. It captures that eerie feel to it like the old, but is a little bit less grim. Being that Euronymous is dead doesn't matter on here, it's like a carrying off from where "De Mys...
Skelethal - Of The Depths...
I cannot stop listening to this band/album! It reminds me a lot of early Entombed, Dismember and a later band Fleshcrawl. Be that there are only two members in this act, they do a darn good job of supplying you of torturous, raw death metal. You'll most aptly be into them if you are an old Swedish/German death metal bands. They have devised resound...
Fusion Bomb - Concrete Jungle
The ENERGY just doesn't let-up with this band! This release is solid the whole way through. It's simply a true abomination of thrash metal domination. It definitely is upon one of 2019's great releases especially in the realm of thrash metal. I haven't heard this good of an album from a more modern band nowadays. They keep to their roots and it's a...
Bloodstrike - Execution Of Violence
This starts off slow (tempo-wise), but progresses into much more dynamic riffs. The guitars sound a lot like the Swedish death metal sounds, though it's not duplicate riffs. They've been in their own, a fine progression from their debut. I enjoyed the album immensely, there was nothing boring about it. Of course, the vocals didn't really change out...
Deicide - Deicide
From just 30 minutes of audio, Deicide unleashes their most evil and demonic release ever! With backup screams that makes Glen Benton sound like the antichrist, the most original and unrelenting musical genius comes about. I’ve never heard a Deicide album sound as so evil in its’ entirety. Not even Legion can top this death metal release that deser...
Bear Mace - Butchering The Colossus
This Chicago based band spews out old school death metal with lyrical concepts on war, death and of course bears. Personally, I like this style of theirs, not that I’m biased though. It just has an old school death metal vibe to it. The music is what has got me hooked. The guitars are thick/heavy sounding like they’re tuned down (if you’re a gui...