Reviews written by: Death8699


Hypocrisy - End Of Disclosure

I'd say that this one hits the melodic death/doom metal genre given the atmosphere of it. The keyboards make it into an eerie, sort of gothic vibe and the vocals go well with the music. A lot of really slow tempo songs and entirely melodic and depressing. I suppose Peter's aim is to hit the cosmos with his sci-fi lyrics and guitar riffs that bleed...


Rhemora - SUCKS

This band is so far away from the "SUCKS" category, talk about insane melodic death to the purest core! This EP will blow your hair back! That is, if you have any left. In any event, these guys are overtly aggressive and intense to the maximum. You have 2 kinds of vocals here, mostly a high end screaming in the vein of Dark Tranquillity and old In...


Destruction - Spiritual Genocide

An uprising concoction of better than average riff-writing here, contrary to their predecessor "Day of Reckoning." The electric flame blows you away in the music and well thought out musicianship with this one. They really emphasized back-up vocals alongside Schmier, plus the aggression is all there for an awesome thrash metal output. It was solid...


Dismember - Dismember

Kind of a "raw" sort of production with the total Swedish death metal vibe. The vocals are just hate-filled and if you read the words it suits the music to perfection. It's not just a total death metal album. There are instances where you hear some melodic guitar riffs, but for the most part this album is just brutal. Its heavy, original, and thoug...


Darkthrone - The Underground Resistance

Positives for this release have to do musically, not lyrically. I think that the "raw" sound in the guitar category was quite suitable and translucent. Finally a Darkthrone release that doesn't flip me into the realms of oblivion musically speaking. For the most part, the vocals were quite odd and didn't exhibit much intensity as I've been accustom...


Napalm Death - Utopia Banished

Follow-up from the supremely monumental "Harmony Corruption" release, Napalm Death seemed to have a more polished production sound quality to this one, but fell a little bit short in the musical department. Since we're talking death metal/grindcore here, I'd say that this album was mostly a death metal type of release with grindcore mixed in with t...


Draconian - Arcane Rain Fell

What an atmosphere, deranged lunacy to the morbid settings that come arie when listening to this release. You'll get a bulk of an hour's worth of darkness seemingly to be visible. As a usual mild tempo of even slower guitars, musically that peaks as its' aura is deeply tranquil, yet quite alluding to death's door. A mixture not only of just heavy d...


Sepultura - Chaos AD

&nbsp; <!--more--> &nbsp; Okay, some decent songs, but overall the band just sunk in crap in overall estimation. Definitely a decline in songwriting capabilities, the band just hit rock bottom even though Max was still with them. The 1st couple of songs are tolerable, but the album as a whole fell short in dismay and destruction. It seemed...


Sodom - Agent Orange

Talk about thrash metal quality, intelligent, intense, aggressive, ever changing and original release here. A monumental one in all aspects. It shows some similarities to Kreator's "Coma of Souls", which is a definite one that is from another German descent, but Sodom rips it up here showing that they too can measure up to the genius syndrome. Riff...


Sepultura - Arise

Definite a solid album with a newer version containing bonus tracks. So in actuality, if you purchase it nowadays, it will feature those bonus songs. Not as good as "Beneath the Remains", but still quality thrash from the legends themselves. Very good riff structures and intensity in playing. Max belting out some good, aggressive, and intense vocal...


Gorgoroth - Incipit Satan

Talk about black metal insanity within the realm of the extreme bands especially like Marduk on Panzer Division, but more variety exhibited here which gives the album more depth. Here we have a combination of amazingly orchestrated black metal frenzy that's apparent on every aspect of this album. If there's a true hell on Earth, this album reflects...


Phavian - Meridian I

Mild melodic epiphany of an album featuring just 6 songs with guitar melodies that imitate no other than the band themselves. A well orchestrated aura of progressive metal that never deviates from it's origin of a genre. I'd say that the sound quality is a bit muddled, which reflects my average score review of it and would've been higher be it the...
