Reviews written by: Death8699
Cradle Of Filth - Cruelty And The Beast
Upon a few listens to I'd have to say that the music far outweighs the mixing and is far better if some instruments didn't outweigh the guitar melodies. An epic and well written album, but the mixing as I said kind of killed it. The guitar was not well heard and I know that COF is extreme gothic metal, however, they still should take pride in recor...
Fear Factory - Demanufacture
Talk about utter brutality and annihilation in the sense of music of metal and variation. The whole of the release is totally intense and fueled with utter hatred, intensity, violence, and also at times severing away from the womb of metal where it doesn't seem like it's born. I mean in a sense that not everything here is totally brutal. There are...
Destruction - Best Of
I'd have to say that this is a real rehash from the past and how the band evolved over time. The earlier material is totally lacking good production quality and has a rather raw sound. That is apparent upon hearing such great memories of the past. It's definitely refreshing to the memory to hear those songs such as "Mad Butcher" and "Invincible For...
Biomimic - Exogenous Embryonic Empire
I think that this a prime example of an innovative, imaginative concoction of progressive/thrash metal that certainly dominates. The riff-writing by the band displays complexity, originality and sheer aggression. There is total variety on the tempos, their aura, mixture of vocal styles ranging from death metal vocals to high end screams. The band s...
Amon Amarth - Deceiver Of The Gods
Aggression is rampant here, alongside riffs that well accompany the vocals. Don't expect exceptionally fast tempo releases to spew out of your speakers, just pure awesome melodic death. I've never been a huge fan of this band, though I did think to myself "why the hell not try this new release?" It turned out for the better because they fit well wi...
Six Feet Under - Unborn
From previous listens to in terms of this band, they kind of bored me with nothing really special metal out there, but this release is so much more groove oriented than anything else. I think that they capitalized on that aspect of the music and really shot forth a great, solid album. I would still consider them to be way death metal oriented espec...
Deicide - Once Upon The Cross
Then, the laziness in songwriting begins. Follow-up from their (in my view) best output i.e. "Legion", Deicide seemed to regress rather than progress. Lyrical topics as usual are nonsensical and reflects Glen Benton's idiotic metaphysical value-judgments (Ayn Rand coin). The music is original though, which is why an average score was assessed on th...
Suffocation - Pinnacle Of Bedlam
If you are seeking utter brutality and intense blast beating with riffs soaring all over the place, "Pinnacle of Bedlam" hits home. I even like it more than their self-titled work plus it's the only other Suffocation album that I own. What a damn quality production to this one, everything all encompassing with the deep vocals, insane riffing, and r...
Children Of Bodom - Halo Of Blood
I'm only giving this release a "B" average because it lacks ingenuity, but it's definitely better than some of their previous releases. The riffs are very melodic in nature, however Alexi's epistemology regarding songwriting is lacking originality. Sure, the riffs sound good, don't get me wrong about that, but COB needs ingenuity. The production qu...
Old Man's Child - Slaves Of The World
Another solid release via Galder changing things up a little bit vocal-wise, but still writing killer guitar riffs! Not only is he on rhythm/lead guitar/vocals, he's also on keyboards, enhancing the axe-work with occasional background keys to create a darker sense of reality that he's interjecting on this one and a helluv an amazing melodic black m...
Phavian - Meridian II
A mild, epic, transient, mellow, and brilliant progressive metal album that needs much explaining to be convinced that this is definitely worth purchasing to those lovers of this particular genre of music. The combination of female vocals mixed with a combination of clean tone guitars with a smidgen more of heavier distorted guitar, but slow tempos...
Humanity Delete - Never Ending Nightmares
An almost total one piece act featuring Rogga Johannson on mostly all aspects of the equation executing a superb death/grind release. At first listen, I liked the guitars, but not the vocals. It had to take a couple of listens in order for me to actually considering me writing my own thoughts about this recording. A definitely well worth a listen t...