Reviews written by: Death8699


Kreator - Phantom Antichrist

<span style="text-align: justify; font-size: 14px;">Definitely a step up from their previous release entitled "Hordes of Chaos", this release is heavier and way more aggressive thrash metal played with utmost intensity. I'd say it's about as good as "Enemy of God", but nothing tops "Coma of Souls". However, these guys flourished during the 80's (19...


Dissection - Storm Of The Light's Bane

Bellowing out some dark and original riff writing featuring 2 genres of metal, melodic death/melodic black, Dissection really pegs away at these genres. I'd say the production quality was quite raw, though you can hear the riffs pretty well in somewhat high definition. A real masterpiece of songwriting that is not copied by the band when they did r...


Morbid Angel - Covenant

A trio for this one featuring a great lineup with David Vincent on vocals/bass, Trey Azagthoth on guitars/keyboards and Pete Sandoval behind the set. One of the greatest albums at the time here, displaying top notch death metal with utmost intensity and utmost originality in musicianship. Also flooding the Floridian death metal scene, Morbid Angel...


Obituary - Cause Of Death

Looking to hear some exploding, mind boggling, ear piercing, highly original an unable to top kind of death metal? Well "Cause of Death" was created and reflects that kind of vibe within itself. It is so traumatizing especially the vocals by John Tardy, talk about the sound of death!!! Well, great lineup especially who's hitting the lead guitar wor...


Vektor - Outer Isolation

This is my 1st hearing of progressive thrash metal and man does this album feature some amazing guitar work! A lot of the album features heavy, distorted guitar, but also clean bit overtures that accompany it. Probably the best release that I've heard in a while. While a lot of thrash metal bands are just putting out monotonous material which shows...


In Flames - Colony

Follow-up from the classic "Whoracle" release back in 1997, "Colony" has a little bit of a better recording quality than it's previous output, but the guitar riffs aren't as memorable. The throat is still high-end screaming by Anders which definitely fits the music, both clean tone rhythm guitar and heavier crunch tone distortion. A lot of the song...


Cradle Of Filth - The Manticore And Other Horrors

<span style="font-size: 14px;">There are so many guest musicians on this album which makes it more atmospheric and domineering. 3 main members and the rest are the guests. I'd have to say that I like this one better than their past few full-length albums. This is not only because of variety, the guitar riffs are better. The chord progressions, trem...


In Flames - Clayman

I'd have to say that this is a "happier" sounding In Flames piece of work. The riffs are much better than they were on "Colony". They're heavier, more memorable, better constructed, and everything seemed to fit better song-wise on this release. It's less aggressive as I stated, but that doesn't take away from the magic that this album portrays. Sim...


Death - Spiritual Healing

The vocals, rhythms, lyrics, leads, and production are all solid on this release. It falls more on the death metal genre not progressive even though Chuck said that Death would always be a growing band. That they were, but during this era death metal was pretty much invented by the man. Death's first 3 albums are their heaviest. "Scream Bloody Gore...


Destruction - Live Without Sense

If you want an album that's live that's doesn't have a poor recording quality, then this one fits within that mindset. It's one of the best live recorded albums that I've ever heard. The bass guitar was the only instrument that wasn't well heard on this recording, the rest of the guitars/drums were superb. Total thrash metal annihilation and Schmie...


At The Gates – Slaughter Of The Soul

I cannot believe what horrible ratings this gem of an album got. I’ve always admired the melodic death metal genre these guys fall into. “Slaughter of the Soul” to me is At The Gates best work ever. Totally original riffs, the metal just flows on this release. Really captivating and awe inspiring piece of an album.</p><p>I got the extended edition...


Cannibal Corpse – Butchered At Birth

This is the only Cannibal Corpse album that I can listen to without hating. Purely a great display of death metal how it should properly be played. The riffs were domineering with ingenuity, the leads were technical and precise, plus Chris’s vocals fit the music perfectly. Totally an innovative release with entirely original guitar action. Nothing...
