Reviews written by: Kong
Wederganger - Halfvergaan Ontwaakt
Wederganger is a Dutch black metal band founded in 2013. On their 2015 debut full-length "Halfvergaan Ontwaakt", they play a haunting and desolate brand of black metal. Wederganger's sound is akin to a specter lingering in the shadows of your mind, relentless in its foreboding nature. What makes "Halfvergaan Ontwaakt" unique is how the atmosphere i...
Godless North - Fimbulvetr Anthology
Canadian Black Metal band Godless North released a best of/compilation in 2009 entitled Fimbulvetr Anthology. This band was forged in late ’96 by Othalaz (vox, guitar, bass) and Oblak Ilking (drums); they quickly proceeded to be one of the most widely respected Black Metal bands. At that time not many bands were coming out from Canada. Godless Nort...
Nordwind - Thy Will Be Done
As one might expect from a band who is named “Nordwind” a heavy dose of Viking themed Black Metal is in store. This two man Canadian outfit released their debut EP entitled “Thy Will Be Done” in 2010. The production on this deliverance of fury is sub-par (however that has come to be the norm in this scene) and the guitar tone is all about treble; r...
Aldaaron - Nous Reviendrons Immortels
French quartert Aldaaron returns with their 2010 release Nous Reviendrons Immortels. This is the follow up release of their 2007 album Des Legendes et Anciens Deux. In recent times France has been at the forefront of the international Black Metal scene; with bands like Anorexia Nervosa, Deathspell Omega, Peste Noire and even more so with the esteem...
Ancient - Night Visit
Ancient was formed in Bergen, Norway by Aphazel as a side project to one of his other bands in 1992. Their music takes a huge influence from the more symphonic or flamboyant bands within the scene such as Emperor, Cradle of Filth, Dimmu Borgir; or the most recent Black Metal band to come out of Taiwan - Chthonic. Ancient has received a lot of flac...
I Shalt Become - Wanderings
On 1996's Wanderings, I Shalt Become has a production that is more raw than your typical Black Metal release, but it captures the masterpiece in all of its organic glory. This American one man project is very obvious its influences, namely Norway's Burzum and France's Mutilation. The influence of I Shalt Become cannot be denied, it forged the Ameri...
Christ Beheaded - Open The Gates Of Hell
Christ Beheaded is a Black Metal outfit from Indianapolis, Indiana. It features members of the bands Summon The Destroyer and Demiricous. The sound on this debut EP can be described as a hellspawn abomination of Craft, Watain and Marduk while being built upon a disctinctly Europen Thrash Metal assault. Open The Gates of Hell starts off with a terri...
Sacrilegious Impalement - Cultus Nex
Sacrilegious Impalement released their debut full length entitled "Cultus Nex" in 2009. This Finnish Black Metal squad features members of Evil Angel. This CD is a pounding mixture between Darkthrone, Dark Funeral and Marduk; while also adding in their own unique sounds into the Finnish blitzkreig. "Cultus Nex" starts off with an instrumental in...
Naglfar - We Are Naglfar - Fuck You!
Naglfar released We Are Naglfar – Fuck You! in 1995 and it serves as a promotion for their debut outing Vittra. Over their 15 year career, while not being particularly prolific, Naglfar has written a very impressive catalogue of albums. This promotional album is in the vein of a more epic and melodic Dissection, but in terms of brutality it holds i...
Ragnarok - Collectors Of The King
2010’s Collectors of The King endures where 2004’s Blackdoor Miracle ended with the exception of a slight lineup change. The vocalist Hoest has been replaced by Hansfryste. They have similar very similar vocal styles but Hansfryste has a deeper howl. This album sounds akin to a more technically developed Darkthrone (especially the drumming) with a...
Throneum - Deathcult Conspiracy
An example of old school Death Metal the way it should be done! "Deathcult Conspiracy" doesn't present us with a new form of Death Metal, but rather a nostalgia of the early-mid 90's Death Metal, which they accomplish much better than most bands who attempt this reminiscence. Throneum released their first album in 1996 under the name Throne, it was...
Witchmaster - Trucizna
Raw Blackened Thrash with dirty mid-tempo selections strategically interspersed throughout the "Trucizna", could we ask for much more? The fast parts are blistering but this album isn't the typical "tremolo picking and blast beat" festival which is so common. They add a much welcomed new touch to an old school sound. This Polish band has been ar...